
- 2003-10-31
musitAAtio #3 RESULTS:
- In loving memory of Tapsa the Squirrel by Phaser
- Fatigue by Signal
- Novatus buditus by Raztaman of mOODs
- Toista peraessae kolmatta poskessa by aSTrAaLIkaNisteri
- Scattered progression by dj rudi
- Holointerference by Vision
- Fugitive 53 Under Pursuit by Valzihjken of Fresh Lint
- Eripurainen intelligenssi by Diskoteekki
- Granted a Pillow by DanceTomatoTree
- kauhistunut popkorninkeittaejae by McK
- Basik Klishee by NegativePixel
Detailed review available in the results-page.
- 2003-10-08
- The jury is currently reviewing the entries.
- 2003-08-26
- After sorting out the problems, the deadline is now set to be September 30th. :-)
- 2003-08-04
- Upload page accepts now larger files.
- 2003-07-31
- Deadline is extended to August 31st.
Note that if we get enough entries we'll give out a T-shirt for the winner!
- 2003-06-30
- Some minor (?) changes in compo rules, check it out!
- 2003-06-26
- Third musitAAtio competition has begun!