- -- --- -- -- What? - -- --- -- --

The %CONTEST_NUMBER% pseudoannual international text mode demo competition.

At this writing the prizes are not yet finalized, but at least the winners will receive the legendary TMDC diplomas.

Up-to date prize information is listed on the TMDC site front page (http://tAAt.fi/tmdc/). We are also accepting sponsors. Please contact us if you want to help.

- -- --- -- -- When? - -- --- -- --

Entries may be posted from 200X-11-11 (11th of November) onwards.
Post your entries as early as possible.
Deadline is 200X-12-12 (12th of December).
Results will be revealed sometime in the first quater of 200X.

- -- --- -- -- Where? - -- --- -- --

Web: http://tAAt.fi/tmdc/

Any questions can be sent via E-mail.

You can also try to reach nick "tonic" or "sol_hsa" in IRCnet on channel #tAAt, but please note that the preferred way to answer questions is E-mail.

Submissions can be sent to:

Web: http://tAAt.fi/tmdc/
E-mail: Send as file attachment to the same contact address.

Especially if you use E-mail: make sure we have received your demo, but do NOT resend it before we ask for it!

In any case make sure we have your contact info!

- -- --- -- -- Rules - -- --- -- --

Please, *please* read all the rules! Some rules may have changed from last TMDC.

(I'm %SOME_DESCRIPTION_OF_SEVERITY% sure that most people never read the rules =)

- -- --- -- -- General - -- --- -- --

- -- --- -- -- Files - -- --- -- --

- -- --- -- -- Limitations - -- --- -- --

- -- --- -- -- Mode - -- --- -- --

- -- --- -- -- Judging - -- --- -- --

Jury will be selected by tAAt ry board. Judging will be done on several different PCs to ensure compatibility with widest possible range of computers.

To make judging as simple as possible linux entries are not allowed at this time (either), but if you wish to contribute linux versions of your demos we will distribute those as well.